Sunday, 30 June 2013

Our Week

Another week has passed. More workbooks, which the girls especially enjoy.

Fun maths (mirror image)
 History morning
Lawrence of Arabia
and the Russian Revolution 1917.
On Saturday we attended a local Summer Fair
and returned home with 3 butterflies and a pirate!

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Keeping it real

This is the chaos I found today when I went up  to the girls' bedroom to check on a quiet Miriam! She said she was having a party!

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Our Week

This week in History Morning, the children looked at George V and the start of World War I. They watched video clips and listened to selected songs from the musical "Oh, What a Lovely War!" After  discussion, the children wrote and drew in their History books as usual and experimented with collage and mixed media.

Our Morning Bible time is continuing in the book of Exodus
Nathanael has been working on a book on the ten plagues of Egypt.
In addition, the children are revising their Ten Commandment memory verse and song and are learning the actions from Walk Thru the Old Testament in the book of Exodus.
Tabitha and Abigail have both got new handwriting books and have enjoyed completing the first few pages from them. They are also both having regular lessons from The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading.
Abigail's first attempts at handwriting.
As usual we have had library trips and, inspired by a book on Victorians we borrowed, Nathanael made himself a top hat. It has generated lots of imaginary games.
Daddy celebrated his birthday this week and we took the children ten pin bowling for the first time
and visited Bruntwood Park.
The Young Hosannas and Daddy Hosanna on the Helter Skelter slide...


Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy Birthday and Father's Day for Sunday.
You are the best Daddy in the world. We love and appreciate you.
Lots of love from Nathanael, Tabitha, Abigail, Miriam and Elisabeth xxx

Friday, 7 June 2013


Wax crayon and watercolour resist.
Whilst exploring the beach at Llandudno this week, the children discovered some jellyfish washed up on the sand. This sparked great discussion and the desire to find out more about them.  We started by watching some clips on YouTube of different types of jellyfish and then created some art work based upon this.
 Nathanael and Tabitha then made little jellyfish shaped books based upon what they had learned. Nathanael was delighted to be able to word process his book.

 This has tied in nicely with our current project on the Human Body, as the children discovered that jellyfish are invertebrates and were able to compare and contrast them to vertebrates.


Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Family Day - Llandudno and Conwy, North Wales

Llandudno beach.
The smallest house in Great Britain, Conwy.
Plas Mawr, an Elizabethan Town House.
Conwy Castle.